Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Jntu Kakinada Question Paper Pattern, Distribution & Weightage of Marks [Theory & Practical Subjects] For R13 Regulation

Jntu Kakinada R13 Regulation Info

Distribution and weightage of Marks for all theory subjects: 
The Assessment of a student’s performance shall be evaluated as suggested below:
1)For theory subjects the distribution shall be 30 marks for Internal Evaluation And 70 marks for the End - Examinations.

2)Out of 30 internal marks, the division shall be as shown below:
  • 15 marks shall be assigned for subjective examination
  • 5 marks for objective “On Line” examination
  • 5 marks for tutorials
  • 5 marks for Assignment

3) For theory subjects, during the semester there shall be 2 descriptive tests. Each test shall consist of 90 minutes duration for 30 marks. . Each descriptive question paper shall contain 3 questions for 30 marks. The descriptive examination marks for 30 shall be scaled for 15. The best of the two tests shall be taken for internal assessment. The first test is to be conducted from 1-3 units and second test in 4-6 units of each semester.

4) For theory subjects, during the semester there shall be 2 objective online tests. Each test shall consist of 20 minutes duration for 20 marks. . Each Objective question paper shall contain 20 objective type questions for 20 marks. The Objective examination marks for 20 shall be scaled for 5. The best of the two tests shall be taken for internal assessment. The first test is to be conducted from 1-3 units and second test in 4-6 units of each semester.

5) For theory subjects, during the semester there shall be a minimum of 10 tutorial classes conducted covering the complete syllabus of each subject. There shall be continuous evaluation of each tutorial and the final evaluation shall be for 5 marks. A record of conduction and evaluation of the tutorials for each subject shall be maintained.

6) For theory subjects, during the semester there shall be a minimum of 6 assignments covering the complete syllabus of each subject. There shall be continuous evaluation of each assignment and the final evaluation shall be for 5 marks. A record of conduction and evaluation of the assignments for each subject shall be maintained.

7) For theory subjects, there shall be an end semester examination for 70 marks. The question paper shall contain 6 questions, out of which the first question shall be compulsory. All the questions, including the compulsory question, shall contain the entire syllabus. The student shall answer 4 questions, including the compulsory question. The compulsory question shall carry 22 marks and the remaining questions shall carry 16 marks each. Each question may consist of sub divisions as per convenience.

Distribution and weightage of Marks for all Design / Drawing subjects: 
The Assessment of a student’s performance shall be evaluated as suggested below: For the subject having design and / or drawing, (such as Engineering Drawing, Machine Drawing), the distribution shall be 30 marks for internal evaluation and 70 marks for end semester examination. There shall be two internal tests in a Semester and the best of the two shall be considered for the award of marks for internal tests.

1) Out of 30 internal marks, the marks shall be awarded as follows:
  • Day to day work 20
  • 10 marks to be awarded by conducting an internal mid examination.

2) The external examination shall be conducted for 70 marks.
  • For subject like engineering drawing the pattern of external examination shall be similar to theory examination.
  • For subjects like Machine Drawing, external examination pattern shall be as mentioned below:
    Part-I: Should contain 3 questions out of which 2 must be answered for 20 marks.
    Part-II: Assembly drawing should contain 50 marks which is compulsory.

Distribution and weightage of Marks for all Practical Subjects:
The Assessment of a student’s performance shall be evaluated as suggested below: For practical subjects there shall be continuous evaluation during the semester for 25 internal marks and 50 marks for end semester examination.
1) Out of 25 internal marks, 15 marks shall be awarded as follows:
  • Day to day work 10 Marks
  • Record-5 marks and
  • 10 marks to be awarded by conducting an internal laboratory test

2) The external examination shall be conducted for 50 marks and shall be awarded as follows:
  • Procedure for conducting the experiment – 10 marks
  • Viva-voce – 10 marks
  • Calculation and result – 30 marks

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